better late

Than Never

endless possibilities

Hi! My name is Danever. A career shifter diving into the world of full-stack web development. Journey with me as I explore into the vast yet exciting tech space!

About Me

Traveling in the vast tech space requires a companion that you are familiar with. So, here are a few quick facts about me to get us started.

John B. Lacson Molo Campus
John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University-Molo

Study for free, and also see the world for free. That was the hook that got me to B.S. Marine Engineering. Although I wanted to study IT, financial constraints led me to pursue a more practical path at the time. Despite this, I remained interested in tech.

Tanker Ship
On-Board as A Seafarer

After obtaining my license, I was promoted as a junior engineer. Financially, it was already more than enough. However, the pandemic came and made me realize that something was missing despite my satisfaction for my job.

Stacktrek Bootcamp
The Career Shift

Fast forward to today. I created this personal website after two weeks of web development training from Stacktrek and DICT-Region 6. It's a new adventure full of challenges, but I'm excited to learn, explore and delve into this space. A wise man once said; “To infinity… and beyond!”